Functions in Solidity: A Comprehensive Guide

Solidity Part 4

Functions in Solidity: A Comprehensive Guide

Functions in Solidity are blocks of code that perform specific tasks. They can manipulate state variables, handle logic, and interact with other contracts. Functions can be categorized into getters (read-only) and setters (write operations), each with its own gas implications.

Example: Using Functions

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.5.0 <0.9.0;

contract FunctionContract {

    uint public age = 24; // Public state variable

    // Getter function
    function get() public view returns(uint) {
        return age;

    // Setter function without arguments
    function set() public {
        age = age + 1;

    // Setter function with arguments
    function set(uint newAge) public {
        age = newAge;

Understanding the Code

State Variable and Getter Function

In the above contract, uint public age is a state variable. Declaring it as public automatically creates a getter function. This means you can read the value of age without explicitly defining a getter function.

Getter Function

function get() public view returns(uint) {
    return age;

The get function is a getter function that returns the value of the state variable age. Since it only reads data and does not modify the state, it is marked with the view keyword and does not incur gas costs.

Setter Functions

function set() public {
    age = age + 1;

function set(uint newAge) public {
    age = newAge;

The first set function increments the value of age by 1. The second set function takes an argument newAge and sets age to this new value. Both functions modify the state of the blockchain and therefore require gas to execute.

  1. Setter functions modify the state and require gas to execute. This is because they create transactions that need to be mined.

  2. Getter functions (view or pure functions) do not modify the state and therefore do not incur gas costs when called.

  3. Functions can have different visibility settings: public, internal, external, and private.

  4. Public functions can be called from outside the contract as well as within the contract.

  5. Private functions can only be called within the contract they are defined in.

  6. Declaring a state variable as public automatically creates a getter function for that variable.

Functions are a fundamental part of Solidity, enabling you to interact with and manipulate your contract’s state. Understanding how to define and use functions effectively, including the differences between getter and setter functions, is crucial for developing efficient and cost-effective smart contracts.


  1. Solidity Documentation - Functions

  2. Solidity by Example - Functions

  3. Consensys - Smart Contract Development Best Practices

Written by ljb630 | Trying to find my place in the web3 community! | Technical Writer & Researcher | Team Lead